Trauma is at the root of all suffering and disparity

If suppressed, ignored or downplayed, trauma can derail everything. Until healed, you’ll re-experience your trauma biochemically, energetically + emotionally over and over again.

You may even be holding onto trauma you don’t remember experiencing or didn’t actually experience yourself {as in the case of generational and ancestral trauma}.

Trauma, reformulate

Your trauma is your experience.


Comparing your experience to someone else’s definition of trauma is pointless and disempowering. Never judge your experience as less deserving of healing because you think it’s not as terrible as what happened to someone else.


Many of my clients have gotten stuck because they believe they don’t have “big” traumas but they have physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual symptoms that just won’t resolve. What is sometimes called “lower-case T trauma” is insidious- creating problematic programming, patterning, and beliefs that many people never address because “nothing awful happened to me.”


Only you decide whether or not your experience was traumatic. When you fully assume that power, you can begin to change your relationship with what happened.

It may sound impossible now, but you really can have a more useful relationship with trauma: only YOU can define your future relationship with your traumatic past.


But all relationships require responsibility, integrity, honesty, and intentional effort. The real you must get real present in order to move past the pain and into healing.


Trauma- and the triggers that cause you to re-experience it- can be truly excruciating.


Avoiding being re-triggered is at the root of dysfunction that shows up in countless ways {in unconscious attempts to keep yourself safe}, but is also preventing your healing.

The thread of this dysfunction must be traced back and gently shaken loose.

We painlessly address subconscious self-sabotage to shift you from coping to healing to thriving.

Trauma, reformulate

When you feel afraid or unsafe, your autonomic nervous system is activated, putting you into a state of extreme stress response: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. Your biology focuses only on survival because that’s all that matters when you’re threatened.


In that state, it’s biologically impossible to rest, rejuvenate, and heal. Over time, dysfunction on every level builds.

Know this: it won’t get better ONLY with time passing. Here’s why:

  • the biochemical effects of stress wreak havoc on body, mind, and spirit.


  • the nervous system remains dysregulated for as long as the trauma remains unhealed; you biochemically re-experience what happened with every subsequent trigger.


  • there’s no workaround; injury must be healed on all levels for you to move beyond dysfunction and into a redefined, whole, and evolved life.