toxic relationships, emotional trauma + narcissistic abuse

YOU ...

  • feel debilitated, not like yourself- but it’s hard to describe what’s wrong
  • feel walked over and run down; when you try to express yourself or resolve things, you end up feeling confused, crazy, and like you’re always in the wrong
  • have tried to set boundaries or break free from toxic people but it never lasts
  • often downplay what’s happening; especially if physical abuse is absent you don’t identify your experience as being emotionally or psychologically abusive
  • work incredibly hard to make things work- far more than the other party does
  • cling to the relationship you thought you had or wish were possible, not the one you actually have
  • are stuck in a drama cycle- going round and round with really high highs and super low lows.

Maybe you’ve tried therapy… but it’s been more harmful than helpful because your therapist didn’t understand emotional abuse and toxic relationship dynamics. Applying perspective and tools intended for two healthy people doesn’t work when there’s a personality disordered person and/or abuse present.


You’re exhausted from over-functioning and managing everything to make it all seem okay. You feel very much alone.

You need healing and a way forward but have no idea where to start.

Whether it’s an intimate partner, friend, family member, co-worker or boss YOU CAN:
  1. break free from the unseen bonds to this person
  2. heal your associated past traumas, blocks and programming
  3. prevent falling back into the same kinds of relationships in the future

I understand.

I’ve experienced and recovered from narcissistic abuse, which itself encompasses many other kinds of abuse. Since then, I’ve eliminated all toxic relationship dynamics from my life- not only do I no longer consciously tolerate toxicity of any kind, I also no longer unconsciously resonate with toxic people or behaviors.


You can do this too, whatever the details of your own experience are. It’s time to live from the you you truly are, not the you you’ve become in the relationship.

There’s no need to fear falling into another abusive relationship when it’s YOU who has healed and changed. When you’re no longer aligned with toxic energetics and poor boundaries, that stuff simply can’t “stick” to you anymore.


Emotional and psychological abuse is traumatic at the soul level. Self-betrayal is a common devastating secondary injury- because down deep, you saw the red flags early on and chose to downplay or ignore them.

It’s time to regain self-trust and strengthen faith in your intuition.

You can recover and become more emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy than you were even before the abuse…


…no matter how you’ve suffered or what you’ve lost.

Taking responsibility- not blame- for the part of you that resonates with toxic relationships is where you can regain power and ownership over your journey. This is your invitation to fully heal on all levels.


Even horrific events can be the catalyst for creating a life you truly love.